Marketing strategies.

Campaign management.

Website creation & digital graphic design.

Consultation & advice.

Long chats & lots of coffee.

Oh hello, you’ve found me!

I’m guessing you’re here because you got your brilliant business idea off the ground (congrats by the way) and now you need some help telling people how amazing it is and why they can’t live without you.

Think you need a marketing plan? (You do). Maybe you’re a small team looking for an extra set of hands to create content and set up ads? (They say many hands make light work). Or maybe you just want to learn more about digital marketing so you can DIY? (Who doesn’t love a bit of DIY).

I can help. Here’s how…

Marketing Services.


Strategy + Planning.

Minus buzzwords and jargon.

If there’s one thing I love, it’s a good cheese board. But if there’s another thing I love, it’s a good marketing strategy. What’s a good marketing strategy? One that has your business’s vision, objectives and goals front and centre. One that has clear goals, relevant KPIs and targets that keep us all accountable. One that can be picked up, read and understood by anyone in your business.

I’ll work with you to develop a marketing strategy you’ll use (as opposed to one that sits in your downloads folder, never to be read again) and a clear implementation plan to deliver on the objectives.



Hands-on digital marketing support.

Not the cold-blooded-assassin type, the roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-it-done type. Think of me as an extra set of hands in your marketing department to help implement your strategy.

I’d love to help you manage your digital assets, including building and managing your website, social media channels and email campaigns. Want to rank higher on Google? Of course you do! Let me help you with a bit of SEO so we can get your site in front of as many people as possible. I can also coordinate external suppliers, including content creators, PR specialists and website developers.

When you’re ready to go one step further and sink some dollars into digital advertising, I can manage your paid social media campaigns and Google Ads so you spend less time optimising bids and more time watching the dollars roll in.


Consultation & Training.

Sharing the knowledge

Advice. Guidance. Support. The world of marketing can be tricky to navigate, and sometimes you just need someone to help you make sense of it all.

From workshop facilitation and team up-skilling to one-on-one digital marketing training and coaching, I’m more than happy to share what I know about marketing with you and your team.

Anna Delaney Digital Marketing Consultant sitting at desk with laptop

A little bit about me.

Melbourne-based marketing professional. Strategic thinker. Social media expert.

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